Friday, June 24, 2016

We did it!

Good afternoon family and friends!

We promised total accountability on this platform, so here goes.
Fifteen (15) people/bodies gave to World Virginity Day (excluding funds MINE Locations received independently).
Total received from the 15 was 421,534.38 naira
Break down of income won't be disclosed for the givers' sakes.
Total spent (excluding funds spent in MINE Locations independently) was 700,000 naira (the 278,465.62 extra coming from the ministry's purse).
Breakdown of expenses:
Printing of Fliers and Purity Cards: 100,000
Money sent to MINE Locations: 195,000
Venue for Lagos Mainland Event: 200,000
Feeding for LME: 80,000
Sound and Stage for LME: 100,000
Miscellaneous: 25,000
Total: 700,000

We honour God in all we do. All we receive is for His glory alone!!!
God bless us all.
Timi Adigun for MINE TM.

Friday, June 10, 2016

World Virginity Day is here!

We are fresh like that!!!
#nosum #minetm #WorldVirginityDay
Happy Virginity Day

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

World Virginity Day 2016

These are our WVD 2016 official flyers. We are printing 30,000 copies and 10,000 Purity Cards (commitment cards)! Those would be distributed in hard copy across the different locations.
Posting the pictures here now, so you are well 'armed' with pictures to post on your social media platforms on Saturday as we celebrate Sexual Purity.
Please be a part of this REVOLUTION!!!
God bless you!
#nosum #minetm #worldvirginityday